Automated Runtime Verification for Web Services

Web Services(2010)

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This paper presents a methodology to perform passive testing of behavioural conformance for the web services based on the security rule. The proposed methodology can be used either to check a trace (offline checking) or to runtime verification (online checking) with timing constraints, including future and past time. In order to perform this: firstly, we use the Nomad language to define the security rules. Secondly, we propose an algorithm that can check simultaneously multi instances. Afterwards, with each security rule, we propose a graphical statistics, with some fixed properties, that helps the tester to easy assess about the service. In addition to the theoretical framework we have developed a software tool, called RV4WS (Runtime Verification engine for Web Service), that helps in the automation of our passive testing approach. In particular the algorithm presented in this paper is fully implemented in the tool. We also present a mechanism to collect the observable trace in this paper.
software tool,runtime verification,program testing,nomad language,web services,passive testing approach,statistical analysis,runtime verification engine for web service,behavioural conformance,offline checking,passive testing,automated runtime verification,software tools,security rule,rule specification,online checking,timing constraints,graphical statistics,program verification,web service,proposed methodology,observable trace,security of data,engines,testing,security
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