Study on Vehicle Rollover Avoidance

ICMTMA), 2010 International Conference(2010)

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Rollover accidents are of special concern for vehicle safety. Rollover accidents are especially violent and cause greater damage and injury than other accidents. In order to prevent rollover, it is necessary to know when a rollover is imminent. Thus, a approach based on energy considerations is introduced. Then, a linear bicycle model is used as a reference model, and it provide the reference values for the lateral velocity and the yaw rate. A controller following the linear reference model will be used. The controller outputs the desired tire forces changes. These are then allocated to the four wheels by a control allocator. The controller is able to prevent wheel lift off in the simulated test cases, and the results are promising.
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Key words
road accidents,road safety,linear bicycle model,linear reference model,rollover accidents,vehicle rollover avoidance,vehicle safety,active safety,critical situation,rollover,vehicle dynamics,reference model
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