Data Currency in Replicated Distributed Storage System


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Application-level storage aggregation provides a massive storage capacity with high scalability and low cost. However, these systems usually only support their special sites, which ignores the legacy storage systems. So we developed a distributed storage system to aggregate these popular storages and provide a uniform access and management interface for these sites. To ensure high data availability, our distributed storage system utilizes a sophisticated way known as data replication. In this paper, we present the data currency scenario employed in our distributed storage system, which can be also used in other replicated distributed storage systems. We propose a replica access service (RAS) to deal with data availability and efficient retrieval of current replicas based on version controlling, which can balance the data accessibility and replica consistency. We validate our solution's performance and scalability through simulation up to 10,000 distributed sites. The simulation results show that our algorithm used in RAS achieves major performance gains, in terms of response time, compared with a baseline algorithm.
replica,data currency,legacy storage system,replicated distributed storage system,data currency scenario,data replication,high data availability,storage management,massive storage capacity,data accessibility,replica access service,application-level storage aggregation,management interface,popular storage,storage system,configuration management,data availability,distributed processing,distributed storage system,version controlling,availability,data mining,cloud computing,resource management,scalability,web services,data engineering,distributed databases,data access
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