Fabric defect detection based on multiple fractal features and support vector data description

Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence(2009)

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Computer-vision-based automatic detection of fabric defects is one of the difficult one-class classification tasks in the real world. To overcome the incapacity of a single fractal feature in dealing with this task, multiple fractal features have been extracted in the light of the theory of and problems present in the box-counting method as well as the inherent characteristics of woven fabrics. Based on statistical learning theory, the up-to-date support vector data description (SVDD) is an excellent approach to the problem of one-class classification. A robust new scheme is presented in this paper for optimally selecting values of the parameters especially that of the scale parameter of the Gaussian kernel function involved in the training of the SVDD model. Satisfactory experimental results are finally achieved by jointly applying the extracted multiple fractal features and SVDD to the detection of defects from several datasets of fabric samples with different texture backgrounds.
single fractal feature,fabric sample,svdd model,gaussian kernel,computer-vision-based automatic detection,fabric defect detection,support vector data description,fabric defect,difficult one-class classification task,statistical learning theory,one-class classification,multiple fractal feature,computer vision,one class classification
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