Multi-recastable E-Bidding Scheme

Intelligent Systems Design and Applications, 2008. ISDA '08. Eighth International Conference(2008)

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Electronic auction allows bidders to bid for diverse sold objects under an electronic platform via Internet. Recently, Liaw et al. proposed an electronic online bidding auction protocol with both security and efficiency. However, we find some controversies in Liaw et al.'s scheme and then a new electronic auction protocol will be proposed to solve these controversies in this paper. In the proposed e-auction scheme, each bidder only needs to perform one round of registration to join various selling topics such that the overhead of multi-registrations in a traditional auction activity can be reduced effectively. Moreover, the anonymity of every bidder can be ensured during the entire auction period except that any illegal activities come up. Briefly, not only is our scheme efficient but all essential properties for e-auction can be satisfied in the proposed scheme as well.
new electronic auction protocol,electronic online bidding auction,security,traditional auction activity,electronic platform,electronic auction,cryptography,e-commerce,multirecastable e-bidding,information security,proposed scheme,internet,essential property,proposed e-auction scheme,electronic commerce,entire auction period,multi-recastable e-bidding scheme,illegal activity,protocol,security of data,servers,satisfiability,protocols,sun,e commerce,public key
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