A Hybrid Interference Model-Based Topology Control Algorithm

Networked Computing and Advanced Information Management, 2008. NCM '08. Fourth International Conference(2008)

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Topology control in wireless ad hoc networks can be considered the task of given a network connectivity graph computing a sub graph with specific desired properties, such as connectivity, symmetry, sparsity, low interference. All previous approaches used for topology control have in common that they model wireless networks as purely geometric graphs, hence neglecting one of the most crucial aspects of wireless communication: capture effect. From a theoretical point of view, the graph-based model of topology control really does not bear any significance when it comes to actually scheduling messages in an SINR environment. Therefore, we integrate SINR-based model into graph-based model. Then we present a hybrid interference model-based topology control (HIMTC) algorithm. The proposed algorithm is distributed and only requires the local information. It can lower the graph interference of networks and increases the network capacity.
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Key words
topology control,hybrid interference,wireless communication,low interference,geometric graph,sub graph,network connectivity graph,graph interference,control algorithm,hybrid interference model-based topology,sinr-based model,graph-based model,signal to noise ratio,distributed algorithm,ad hoc networks,ad hoc network,network topology,capture effect,distributed algorithms,graph theory,connectivity,interference,capacity,wireless network,topology,protocols,scheduling,wireless ad hoc network
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