Integration and characterization of gas cluster processing for copper interconnects electromigration improvement

Microelectronic Engineering(2007)

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Basic physical properties as well as electrical and reliability performance of Infusion(TM) processing were evaluated. This approach, proposed as an alternative to CuSiN and electrolessly deposited Co-alloys, was shown to join the benefits of these two techniques without well-known associated drawbacks. Indeed, it is a uniform process, acting as an efficient Cu diffusion barrier, which does not require specific integration development. Different processes were introduced in a multi-level interconnect stack using ULK/USG stack as IMD, showing excellent electrical properties, and three times electromigration time-to-failure improvement with respect to standard SiCN barrier. However, it was shown that existing process conditions lead to some introduction of N atoms into ULK dielectric, showing there is still some room for process optimization in architectures using un-capped ULKs, to keep the benefits of EM improvement and aggressive effective dielectric constant.
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Key words
em improvement,self aligned barrier,efficient cu diffusion barrier,electromigration improvement,electromigration,infusion,process optimization,excellent electrical property,cusin,uniform process,standard sicn barrier,different process,gas cluster processing,ulk dielectric,interconnects,process condition,time-to-failure improvement,copper,dielectric constant,physical properties
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