Planar polynomials for commutative semifields with specified nuclei

Designs, Codes and Cryptography(2007)

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We consider the implications of the equivalence of commutative semifields of odd order and planar Dembowski-Ostrom polynomials. This equivalence was outlined recently by Coulter and Henderson. In particular, following a more general statement concerning semifields we identify a form of planar Dembowski-Ostrom polynomial which must define a commutative semifield with the nuclei specified. Since any strong isotopy class of commutative semifields must contain at least one example of a commutative semifield described by such a planar polynomial, to classify commutative semifields it is enough to classify planar Dembowski-Ostrom polynomials of this form and determine when they describe non-isotopic commutative semifields. We prove several results along these lines. We end by introducing a new commutative semifield of order 3 8 with left nucleus of order 3 and middle nucleus of order 3 2 .
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Key words
odd order,specified nucleus,left nucleus,new commutative semifield,commutative semifields,commutative semifields · nuclei · planar polynomials,planar polynomial,non-isotopic commutative semifields,commutative semifield,middle nucleus,general statement,planar dembowski-ostrom polynomial
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