Period analysis of variable stars: Temporal dependence and local optima

Computational Statistics & Data Analysis(2007)

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A number of methods have been proposed to estimate the period of a variable star; e.g., a recent approach uses smoothing spline regression to fit tentative periodic functions (light curves) and selects the period minimizing a robust goodness-of-fit criterion. These methods assume that measurement errors vary independently over time. Empirical evidence, however, indicates substantial temporal dependence, possibly related to changes in observing conditions. Dependence complicates the period analysis in several respects: selection of a ''best'' period among several local optima, estimation of the light curve, and evaluation of uncertainty about period and light curve estimates. This article presents methods designed to accommodate dependent errors. An analysis of several data sets shows that the proposed approach can produce substantially different and arguably better results compared with other methods.
temporal dependence,unequally spaced data.,local optimum,recent approach,substantial temporal dependence,period analysis,light curve,period,golden section bootstrap,variable star,light curve estimate,dependent error,better result,adaptive logistic basis regression,periodic function,empirical evidence,measurement error,variable stars,goodness of fit,smoothing spline
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