UECML: Unified Enterprise Competence Modelling Language

Computers in Industry(2007)

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This paper introduces the principles of a unified language devoted to the area of competence-based enterprise modelling. The language, named UECML, for Unified Enterprise Competence Modelling Language, is intended to provide a neutral interface to enterprise modelling based on competences. Therefore, it is built on previous languages, especially Unified Enterprise Modelling Language (UEML) and provides constructs to cover process, resource, competence and enterprise entities. An example of the implementation of the proposed UECML is provided with its application to a producer of railway vehicles.
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Key words
proposed UECML,enterprise entity,Enterprise,Resource,Unified Enterprise Competence Modelling,Competence,Enterprise Modelling Language,UECML,railway vehicle,unified language,previous language,competence-based enterprise modelling,neutral interface,Modelling
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