Predictive sunlight simulation for the remodeling of the Real Madrid stadium

GRAPHITE '05: Proceedings of the 3rd international conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques in Australasia and South East Asia(2005)

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The present paper shows the result of using light simulation as a predictive tool. It is applied to the remodeling of the Santiago Bernabeu, the Real Madrid football stadium, in order to solve the problems of glare in the new president's box and lack of sufficient insolation of the grass during the winter. The reliability of the algorithms used, as well as the images obtained, are due to the physic validation in controlled experiments. Based on the results obtained in the simulations, the architects could try different solutions in the digital realm until finally coming up with the optimal one. The remodeled Santiago Bernabeu now incorporates the changes shown here.
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Key words
controlled experiment,predictive tool,remodeled santiago bernabeu,real madrid stadium,different solution,santiago bernabeu,predictive sunlight simulation,real madrid football stadium,new president,digital realm,light simulation,physic validation,global illumination
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