C-CORE: Using Communication Cores for High Performance Network Services

Cambridge, MA(2005)

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Recent hardware advances are creating multi-core systems with heterogeneous functionality. This paper explores how applications and middleware can utilize systems comprised of processors specialized for communication vs. computational tasks. The C-CORE execution environment enables applications, through middleware and underlying system functionality, to utilize both the computational capabilities of general purpose CPUs and the high performance communication hardware provided by specialized communication processors. Such future heterogeneous multi-core hardware is emulated by attaching a representative network processor - Intel驴s IXP2400 processor -to a general purpose CPU via a dedicated interconnect. For this platform, C-CORE provides abstractions to represent an application驴s communication actions, to efficiently couple such actions with application-level computations, and to dynamically create and configure the platform-resident 驴chains驴 of computational and communication actions used by applications. C-CORE驴s functionality is evaluated with representative, communication-intensive applications. Measurements on our experimental platform establish the performance advantages afforded to applications by C-CORE.
future heterogeneous multi-core hardware,high performance communication hardware,recent hardware advance,communication action,computational task,high performance network services,computational capability,communication cores,c-core execution environment,specialized communication processor,heterogeneous functionality,underlying system functionality,computer applications,high performance computing,computer networks,hardware,business,network on chip,data mining,middleware,application software
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